JUST ANNOUNCED: Earicles 2018 Microtia Atresia Conference Location!

nymac_webEARICLES CHICAGO MICROTIA ATRESIA CONFERENCE (“CHIMAC”) is a one day “big” conference in Chicago, Illinois at The Drake hotel on August 4, 2018. There will be lectures by Dr. Sheryl Lewin (Porous Implant Ear Reconstruction), Dr. Bradley Kesser (Atresia Repair), Dr. Arturo Bonilla (Rib Graft Ear Reconstruction), Angela and Sarah Sabal (Overcoming Obstacles), Stephen Westhead (Adult Patient’s Perspective) in the morning. There will be Individual Patient Appointments in the afternoon. Essential information about all treatment options for Microtia and Atresia will be covered, along with the latest technology in hearing devices. There will also be a Question & Answer Patient/Parent Forum. Optional breakout sessions will be available on both Friday and Saturday afternoons addressing Parent Advocacy, Hearing Devices and Insurance. To kick off the conference, there will be a Meet & Greet on Friday evening!

CHIMAC details coming soon! To learn more about our Earicles conferences, please click HERE. For up-to-date conference information, please go to our Facebook Event pages HERE

CHIMAC Pre-Registration opens 1/2/18. For questions regarding CHIMAC, please email info@lewinmd.com

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